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Customer can start by Registering with us in the register page in case you need us to send further info with this accounty you will be able to place an order and download your digitizing file.
Customer can request by using the online Quote/Order Form on our website or you can email to contact : and
 Customer confirm order by email and or by my website contact/page.
Planning unit puts right man on the right job and a careful planning of show each job should be run.
We plan to make sure the all of your designs will by correctly digitizing with high quality when they are completed how it would run efficiently on embroidery machines. Before releasing all the completed digitizer designs to customer
The turn around time is also quality check of the embroidery data. Screening each and every section of the design so there will not be any fault in actual production. We guarantee that you will receive your design on time you have required.

Design can be send to your personal web page or right to your email address.
You can arrange the payment by the following methods.
- by credit card ( visa/master card/American express. etc) you just need to o to our website http:/ and click on the payment button.
- by paypal account : our paypal account is :  by wire transfer. please contact us is :
Most of the editing are free except for re-digitize the whole design or some part of the design and altering the design size more than 20%
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